Vegetables are grown with love by farmers. Any of them planned to be thrown away, but are destined for disposal when not meeting the required quality. What happens with the coffee beans after coffee is brewed? Coffee warms our heart and body with its aroma and heat, but the beans? The fate of these vegetables and beans is waste bin.
But we believe they are worth for another life. We, fabula want to give the waste a New Story, with new means, which will contribute to our sustainable life. As a new construction material to create a new space or building, and tools and dishes supporting our life. A new life and value is given to waste, or which we believed to be “waste”. “Waste” will enrich our life, generate creativity, and sustainable future with new dimension. We, fabula, will create the New Story, the never ending, with our passion and love for the earth and all livings, and things, including things that are considered to be valueless.
Vegetables are grown with love by farmers. Any of them planned to be thrown away, but are destined for disposal when not meeting the required quality. What happens with the coffee beans after coffee is brewed? Coffee warms our heart and body with its aroma and heat, but the beans? The fate of these vegetables and beans is waste bin.
But we believe they are worth for another life. We, fabula want to give the waste a New Story, with new means, which will contribute to our sustainable life. As a new construction material to create a new space or building, and tools and dishes supporting our life. A new life and value is given to waste, or which we believed to be “waste”. “Waste” will enrich our life, generate creativity, and sustainable future with new dimension. We, fabula, will create the New Story, the never ending, with our passion and love for the earth and all livings, and things, including things that are considered to be valueless.
廃棄物Food waste as
raw materia -
熱圧縮Dry, grind and
heat-press -
新素材が完成New material created
with food waste
We create a new material with food waste such as vegetables not meeting customer`s needs, or left-overs obtained by cutting vegetables while cooking. The steps are quite simple; dry the food waste, make it into powder, then heat-press in a mold. By changing the drying and/or powdering method, and the temperature during the heat-press, variety of color, texture, aroma can be obtained. Mixing of different food waste is also possible, as well as creation of a new material with the use of things built with food waste. *The patent application of this technology (by Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo) is pending.
fabulaが開発する新素材の特徴Characteristics of fabula’s material
コンクリートの曲げ強度の約4倍*。4 times stronger than concrete*
For example, the bending strength of a material made by food waste of Chinese Cabbages is 4 times stronger than concrete. A 5 mm thin plate can bear 30 kg weight. It has a potential to become a construction material in the future. *The strength depends on the raw material (=food waste) to be used. Mix of different food waste as raw material possible to increase the strength of the new material created.
⾷品廃棄物の廃棄処理問題を解決。Solution for food waste disposal
Currently, food waste disposal involves CO2 generation and disposal of ashes etc. Sometimes food waste are used as forage or fertilizer, however the cost involved is not economically attractive enough.
We, fabula aim at creating with food waste a new material which create a new value and contributes to our sustainable, creative life.
材料由来の⾊や⾹りを楽しむ。Enjoy the color and
aroma of the raw material
Depending on the food waste used as raw-material, you can enjoy different color and aroma. Our raw materials are 100% natural origin and originally considered as food. We are studying to create edible materials, which might also have the possibility to mix spices to enjoy variety of tastes.
素材として使⽤できる廃棄物の例Examples of food waste (to be used as raw material)
コーヒーかすCoffee Grounds
抽出後のお茶の葉Tea Leaves
みかん等の柑橘系の⽪Rind of Citrus
⽩菜(規格外野菜)Chinese Cabbage
コンビニ弁当Convenience store Bento
PLATE (φ12cm)
BOARD (30cm)
Variety of materials, products can be created with non-standard vegetables, food waste. Food waste used as raw material is 100% natural origin, from which natural color products could be created. Various products, such as small dishes, tools, furniture and construction material can be produced.
Please contact us in case you have questions, proposals, etc.
事業パートナーをお探しの⽅ Looking for a new business partner?
fabulaのプロダクトに興味のある⽅ Interested in fabula`s products?
fabulaの研究内容に興味のある⽅ Want to know about fabula`s experiments?
実証実験などのご相談、ご依頼のある⽅ Any question, request for fabula`s experiments?
Please feel free to contact us in case you were interested in our technology and/or products. We are looking for partners in the development of new business, product, technology, experiments, etc.
代表取締役 CEO 町⽥ 紘太Kota Machida
Stayed in the Netherlands during the childhood. Visited more than 60 countries. Developed the technology of creation of new material with food waste at the University of Tokyo.
取締役 CFO 松⽥ ⼤希Daiki Matsuda
Fascinated by the world of coffee, stayed in Costa Rica as the representative in the region of Central and South America for a Japanese Coffee trading company. Wants to construct homes with coffee cherries which are generally disposed after beans are pulled out, in the coffee growing countries.
取締役 CTO ⼤⽯ 琢⾺Takuma Oishi
⼤学院時代に、⼈間の感性を活かした住環境の空間演出の研究を⾏う。 この技術を認知してもらい、⾊や⾹りを活かした空間づくりを夢⾒る。
During the master course studied the creation of space based on human sensitiveness. Wants to contribute that this technology receives more attention in the world, and would like to create spaces characterized with color and aroma.